Saturday, March 15, 2008

What is Virtualization?

There are lots of buzz on a trip with the virtualization.
What virtualization, and what advantages does it provide?
In this article, we cast an eye d & 39; in technology, to see
how, & 39, it can be a lot of flexibility and cost
effectiveness for professionals and software developers.

Virtualization technology can
to multiple virtual machines on a single host computer. These virtual machines can
run different systems & 39; operating systems, including Windows, Linux and
UNIX. Each virtual machine has its own set of virtual
hardware resources (such as CPU, RAM, hard disk, etc.)
allowing the system & 39; to work, as it & 39, a machine was installed
on physics.

The benefits of virtualization technology are far reaching.
Many institutions is in the virtual machine
solution consolidating multiple servers, the Coast
side races on a single physical machine. The consolidation of servers
allows professionals to fully exploit the resources on the server,
while isolate the virtual machine and its d & 39; run
different systems & 39; operating system and applications.
developers software technology VM
test quickly applications on different systems & 39; operation without
the trouble with the configuration of multiple physical machines for
testing or with the risk of problems in testing
a in the production environment.

You the virtualization software on virtually every & 39; n
platform. Once the software is installed, it simply, the virtual machine
create case. Virtual machines are only
a number of files on the host computer.
your configure the settings for virtual machine on the host computer & 39;,
the install the system & 39; operation, and that you are prepared. C & 39; is a very practical
common d & 39; a picture d & 39, a virtual machine.
This image can be a fully configured machine, with
the system & 39; operating system and all required applications
installed. You can then quickly through virtual machines
copying l & 39; image master in the virtualization of numerous guests
provide the time to zero verdict & 39 d and 100% availability of the server.

There are a number of products for virtualization.
VMWare, and that is probably the most popular, has recently
announced, & 39; released a free version of its product
GSX server. This is supported by the entire organization & 39; place
virtual machines or to Windows or Linux hosts.
Virtualization other products include Microsoft Virtual Server and SWsoft Virtuozzo to & 39;-appoint the few.

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