Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anti-Spyware Software - Free or Paid?

Being infected with spyware can be a hassle because it affects the performance of your computer. It slows it down dramatically by taking up memory space, serves annoying pop-ups, and can be very dangerous. Spyware can include keyloggers, adware, Trojans, browser hijacks, and viruses. It can change your homepage and favorites without your knowledge or permission, and it can track what you view online. It s a very big security risk for anyone as someone can get a hold of your credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and other sensitive information.
There are two widely used types of anti-spyware available for free. Ones is a spybot that detects spyware, and the other is an adware remover. Both are available for download and are uses by many users. They re pretty good software to detect most of the spyware on your computer, but they are not 100% effective. With simple experiments using both one after the other, then using a paid software, it has been shown that these free software are only about 70% effective at detecting and removing spyware on your system. And that was when both free software were used in combination. Running only one is not a guarantee of getting rid of much.
Paid anti-spyware is much better in the long-run because it should be constantly updated with new algorithms and detection tools. You pay for the service and receive updates periodically that change with the new threats present on the internet. You also get better support services with paid software. If you need help with a technical issue, paid software usually comes with help 24/7 to get you through the issue and back up and running. It has more support because it s trying to turn a profit; it needs to be the best to have people continue to subscribe. Check out the customer service of the paid software you re interested in. If it wants to keep it s members, it will probably have excellent service. In contrast, many free programs come without technical support or service at all.
Though there are free options that will help you to feel more secure (it s definitely more secure than having nothing), paid options are much better. All in all, you will be happier and more protected with a paid program that offers frequent updates, support and service, and gets the job done more efficiently. Always do your research before buying an anti-spyware software; make sure other customers have great things to say about it.
Ashley writes on the effects and prevention of various types of malware (adware, spyware, viruses, and pop-ups). For more information about malware and product reviews visit her blog Malware: Adware, Spyware, and Viruses.

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